Instructional Coherence ensures that every component of the academic experience is tightly aligned, strategically coordinated, and mutually reinforcing. A strong coherent instructional program is guided by a common instructional framework and a shared understanding of what instructional excellence looks, feels and sounds like.
Last year, NESA published the NESA Instructional Coherence Guide, authored by Erma Anderson. The guide outlines a framework that schools can use to build coherence along with tools to support educational leaders in this work. To build a shared understanding of high quality learning, the guide focuses on the need for an instructional vision, guaranteed and viable curriculum, UDL and SEL for student success, core instruction and MTSS, lesson study, and instructional leadership for instructional coherence.
Join us to discuss these areas of the coherence framework in greater depth including examples of systems and structures being developed at The American International School of Muscat based on the goal of coherence.