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Spring 2018 | Volume 20 | Number 3
Table of Contents-Spring Issue

The Launch of a New NESA Collaborative: Elementary School Principals

By Jenny Canar, Elementary School Principal, AIS-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in collaboration with the ES Principals Collaborative Core

The NESA Elementary School Principals Collaborative met for the first time after the well-attended and learning-focused NESA Winter Training Institute in Muscat, Oman, January 26-27, 2018. The Collaborative was hosted by Dan Hovland, an ES Principal’s Collaborative Core member and the Elementary School Principal of The American International School of Muscat.

The ES Principals Collaborative Core includes the following members:

  • Jenny Canar (Core Leader) | American International School - Riyadh
  • JohnEric Advento | American School of Dubai
  • Nada Collins | American Embassy School-New Delhi
  • Dan Hovland | The American International School of Muscat
  • Jackie Jenkins | American Community School, Amman
  • Jonathan Johnson |American Community School of Abu Dhabi
  • Diann Osterlund | American Community School Beirut

The ES Principals Collaborative was formed at the 2017 Fall Leadership Conference in Abu Dhabi. Its objectives include:

  1. Enhancing and maximizing the opportunities offered to our community in order to develop and deepen understandings.
  2. Collaborating and participating in a systematic network that improves leadership practices.
  3. Focusing on continuous improvement that enhances student learning and experiences that are authentic and meaningful.
  4. Shifting practices and building agency.

During the site-visit at TAISM, Collaborative Core members toured TAISM’s beautiful campus, observed TAISM students in action, participated in a principals share-out of celebrations and challenges, began a bank of resources, and determined the Collaborative’s major learning priority: STUDENT AGENCY.

Diann Osterlund (Beirut) reflected, “It was a marvelous day of great conversation and collaboration that pushed my thinking. Truly an opportunity to learn from and with each other, to share struggles as well as celebrations.” These sentiments were echoed by all participants throughout the day.

For a next step to move forward with the ES Collaborative’s objectives and learning priorities, each principal was tasked with taking a closer look at student engagement and opportunities specific to voice and choice relevant to their school.

In this effort, Collaborative Core members will evaluate how student interests, strengths, motivations, and passion can be better targeted and harnessed to build learning communities where student agency flourishes and thrives. The ES Principals Collaborative will continue with frequent online check-ins, a student agency survey, and share-out of resources and updates.

A special thank you to Dan Hovland and the faculty and staff of TAISM for opening their school and classrooms to NESA’s Elementary School Principals Collaborative.

Learn more about NESA Collaboratives.