Stanley Haas/Luke Hansen Student Award
Sponsored byTieCare International
In the spirit of Dr. Stanley Haas, the late executive director of NESA, and of Luke Hansen, a remarkable student who died in an accident, this award recognizes middle school students (grades 6-8) at NESA Member Schools who model the character traits we value most in our students: consistency, persistence, a willingness to take risks, acceptance of other cultures/points of view and a genuine interest in and commitment to the welfare of others. The award is not meant to recognize academic, athletic or artistic talent or achievement, though nominees may well excel in one or more of these areas.
Each school may submit up to three applications through their Wider Circle Representative. Should there be more than three students who apply, the school administration will make the final decision on which three applications to submit.
Cash awards of $1,000 each will be made to up to four finalists, chosen by a selection committee appointed by the NESA Board of Trustees.
Information regarding the award application process is sent in the fall directly to each NESA Member School's designated Wider Circle Representative. Only submissions made via official NESA channels will be considered.